Explore our blog that focuses on holistic care for any and all ages - pediatric well-being, pre/post-natal health, and adult vitality.
While seasons are changing, as a parent you may find yourself in a frustrating cycle – your kids are constantly battling colds, coughs, congestion, and other illnesses. You try over-the-counter medications, visit pediatricians, and get prescribed stronger antibiotics, but the cycle continues. What you may not realize is that shutting down symptoms with medications often weakens the body’s resilience long-term.
The key is supporting the body to build up its defenses naturally.
At the core of this “kick the sick” approach is addressing dysfunction in the nervous system. The master communicator that controls all cells, tissues, and organs. Any stress or imbalance in the nervous system can lead to widespread issues such as chronic immune problems, sleep disturbances, digestive troubles, behavioral/cognitive challenges, and more.
The Autonomic Nervous System: The Key to Immune Regulation
Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractors specialize in locating and correcting sources of stress stuck on the nervous system, what we call subluxation. The autonomic nervous system, which comprises the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, plays a crucial role in modulating immune function. The sympathetic nervous system, often referred to as the “fight or flight” response, suppresses immune activity during periods of stress or perceived danger. Conversely, the parasympathetic nervous system, known as the “rest and digest” state, promotes immune function and allows the body to heal and repair.
When the body experiences chronic stress or nerve interference, the sympathetic nervous system dominates, leading to a suppressed immune response. This imbalance can leave the body vulnerable to various illnesses and infections as the immune system becomes less effective in identifying and neutralizing potential threats.
Subluxation can disrupt the normal flow of nerve communication, leading to dysfunction in various bodily systems, including the immune system. Stress gets to the neck, shoulders, and upper areas and creates constriction and congestion, which in turn creates inflammation.
Subluxation can result from various factors, such as birth stress, physical stress, emotional stress, and chemical toxins. Subluxation is most commonly initially caused by birth stress and the intense physical/chemical stresses of the modern birth process. If not properly addressed, this subluxation can build up over time, setting the stage for recurring illnesses.
The intense forces and instrumentation used in interventions like:
These experiences can significantly injure the vulnerable Vagus Nerve and upper neck region, creating profound subluxation that sets kids up for a host of future problems. Setting the stage for what we call The Perfect Storm.
Additionally, things like severe colic, reflux, constipation, and sleep struggles as a newborn could indicate nerve system imbalances stemming from in-utero constraint or birth stress.
Using our INSiGHT scans, we measure levels of subluxation and associated nerve tension. With analysis and customized care plans, we can work to reduce that neurological interference and restore balance to the nervous system naturally. Without the need for drugs or surgery.
By allowing the body’s master healing system to function optimally, countless conditions can improve, including:
Rather than just masking each symptom, chiropractic gets to the root cause. We use the body’s ability to self-heal and adapt to stressors like seasonal changes, growth spurts, poor sleep/diet, and more. These factors can quickly overload a child’s coping ability and trigger illness.
The approach to treat symptoms with medications can ultimately further suppress and dysregulate the immune response. While sometimes necessary for critical situations, overusing antibiotics, steroids, and immune suppressants weakens resilience long-term. Research shows that each course, especially in the first year, increases the risks of chronic allergies, asthma, and more illnesses down the road. We must reserve that direction for last resort and move to drug-free, natural-building, resilience-boosting actions.
So, instead of just shutting it all down at the first sniffle, parents can build their child up through simple steps:
With a customized chiropractic care plan monitoring and reducing subluxation, many kids avoid the revolving door of sickness. Their bodies can effectively meet seasonal challenges, moving through acute illnesses while building resiliency to prevent bigger problems.
When the nervous system is balanced and functioning without interference, the benefits go far beyond stronger immunity. As we know, the nervous system controls and coordinates every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. By reducing subluxation, chiropractic allows for better-integrated function across all systems.
Parents commonly report improvements in many seemingly unrelated conditions once their child gets on a customized chiropractic care plan. Things like:
The possibilities are endless because neurologically-focused chiropractic care works by unleashing the body’s own innate ability to heal and regulate itself.
No matter the condition, if nervous system dysfunction is contributing, there’s potential for so much improvement.
For many families, neurologically-focused chiropractic care ends up being the “missing piece” that accelerates their child’s healing journey. When integrated with other natural therapies and lifestyle factors like nutrition, it provides a comprehensive approach to building up a child’s resilience from the inside out.
Rather than covering up symptoms with a barrage of medications, authentic healing can take place. Rather than repeated rounds of inhalers, antibiotics, and over-the-counter meds that weaken vitality over time, kids develop robust vitality to meet life’s challenges.
With chiropractic support, children can spend less time in the vicious sickness cycle and more time growing, developing, and thriving as they should.
At RCW, we want to help you and your kiddos thrive! Our docs want to help change your child’s life for the better, to change their trajectory from chronic illness to kicking the sick naturally.
Parents, this information may leave you a bit frustrated or upset, but we need to address a problem that’s been going on for far too long. Pediatricians have been telling parents that certain conditions are just a part of childhood and that their children will grow out of them. However, this is simply not the case.
If you have been up all night with your child who is experiencing colic, chronic constipation, reflux, or ear infection after ear infection, it’s essential to know that these issues will not simply go away on their own. If your child is struggling with tons of tantrums, meltdowns, developmental delays, and difficulty sleeping, don’t let anyone tell you that it’s just a phase.
We understand that as a parent, you know when something is wrong with your child. You may have been told to wait it out, but we want to assure you that there is more going on. Just as your gut tells you. The science behind these conditions is related to the function and development of the central and autonomic nervous system. An area that pediatricians may not understand very well, but is the absolute specialty of neurologically-focused pediatric chiropractors.
Whether your child is two months old or fifteen years old, we have found that the neurology behind colic, sensory processing issues, autism, ADHD, anxiety, constipation, and chronic autoimmune challenges are virtually the same.
It all comes down to the nervous system being subluxated, stressed, and stuck in what’s called sympathetic dominance, or imbalance.
Over time stress and tension are placed on the nervous system from early childhood stressors. Stressors like prenatal distress, birth interventions, and trauma, and the exposure to toxins early in life. This leaves the entire nervous system dysregulated and out of balance, leading to a condition called dysautonomia.
This is why it’s so important to look for the root cause of their challenges. Instead of just labeling it and sending you and your child off to different specialists. We can help address the overactive and overstimulated sympathetic side of the nervous system in children with colic, sensory issues, and anxiety. Our office is very focused on functional neurology.
If you only chase symptoms, you’re not addressing the root cause. The nervous system controls everything from digestion to immune function, respiratory system, social-emotional regulation, and neurological development. By focusing on the nervous system first, you can get everything else figured out and functioning again much easier.
Challenges you’ve been told your children will “grow out of” like colic and chronic ear infections, can actually lead to chronic autoimmune challenges, allergies, and a compromised immune system. That makes it easier to catch every cold that comes around. Especially if each time they get sick they’re prescribed more antibiotics and other medications that further suppress gut-immune function.
Additionally, behavioral issues like tantrums, meltdowns, and hyperactivity are often dismissed as typical childhood behaviors. But these behaviors can be symptoms of larger issues related to neurological development. They can cause anxiety, hyperactivity, and emotional challenges in school and later in life.
Regardless of where you are in this perfect storm pathway, you deserve to know what’s really going on with your child. Keep learning about their health, and consider using advanced technology like our INSiGHT Scans to measure and locate the stress and subluxation in the nervous system.
We specialize in adjustments that release stress, and lower sympathetic tone. These can help your child get out of the “storm” caused by these challenges. By getting the parasympathetic nervous system and vagus nerve activated and “online” once again, so much natural healing and health restoration can occur. Even older children can benefit from this kind of care. The nervous system remains plastic and can be changed even after years of stress.
Our office is neurologically-focused and uniquely equipped to address the common themes and threads behind all of these challenges. We provide drug-free action steps that can help your child and your family.
If you or someone you know has been told to simply wait and see, please share this information. Help spread the truth about the impact that neurologically-focused chiropractic care can have on your family’s life.
We are here to help you restore hope, find answers, and take action for the health and well-being of your child.
As a parent, nothing can prepare you for the distress of seeing your baby cry inconsolably for hours on end. If your little one is crying for more than three hours a day and seems impossible to comfort, there is a good chance they are experiencing colic. This diagnosis affects about 25% of infants, leaving many families feeling overwhelmed and helpless.
It’s important to understand that colic isn’t just regular fussiness or tummy troubles that babies outgrow. It’s not just gas pains, food sensitivities, or issues with tongue and lip ties. Instead, colic often stems from deeper neurological imbalances and disruptions in your baby’s nervous system signaling and digestion.
Research has shown that colic isn’t something babies grow out of, and is a condition that requires attention and understanding. It is in no way your fault as a parent, nor is it a reflection of something you’re doing wrong. Understand that colic is a neurological imbalance and dysfunction that disrupts aspects of an infant’s well-being. Including sleep, digestion, and soothing mechanisms, can help you find the right care for your baby.
So, if you’re a parent who is overwhelmed by your baby’s persistent crying and you suspect there’s more to it than just typical infant behavior, this is for you. We’re here to offer insights beyond traditional medicine and to introduce drug-free solutions. Neurologically-focused chiropractic care has helped numerous families find relief for their little ones.
As mentioned, colic often originates from something called subluxation and vagus nerve dysfunction rather than just gas pains or food sensitivities. Subluxation refers to areas of misalignment and tension in the spine. Vagus nerve dysfunction can disrupt vital functions such as digestion, immune response, and relaxation. Understanding these underlying issues is crucial for effectively addressing colic and promoting your baby’s well-being.
Colic affects approximately one in four infants, leading to prolonged crying episodes and challenges with traditional soothing methods. The origins of this neurological dysfunction can often be traced back to pregnancy. Maternal inflammation or a high-stress pregnancy can shift a baby’s nervous system into a state of dysautonomia. Where the fight-or-flight response dominates, affecting crucial functions like sleep and digestion.
During childbirth, birth stress and interventions such as forceps, vacuum extraction, or C-sections can further exacerbate these issues. The upper neck and mid-back area houses and protects the vagus nerve. A vital nerve responsible for sleep regulation, digestion, and relaxation—can experience misalignment and tension. This leaves your child’s nervous system trapped in sympathetic fight-or-flight mode, hindering their ability to find comfort and calm.
The journey to understanding and addressing colic can be daunting, especially when conventional wisdom may suggest that colic is a passing phase. The truth is that unresolved colic can lead to other health challenges, such as constipation, ear infections, and developmental delays. However, there is hope!
Specialized care protocols, including advanced technology like INSiGHT Scans, can guide precise care plans. These scans provide invaluable insights into your baby’s nervous system function. Pinpointing regions of dysfunction and subluxation and guiding the development of a precise care plan tailored to your child’s needs.
Once armed with this comprehensive assessment, we start with gentle neurologically-focused adjustments aimed at restoring proper nervous system function. While activating the vagus nerve and alleviating digestive issues associated with colic.
If you find yourself exhausted, yearning for real answers to the root causes of your child’s colic, we’re ready to take that next step with you. Please reach out to RCW today to schedule a new patient consultation and exam for your baby. Restoring nervous system function brings fast relief, helping your baby thrive!