You only feel about 15% of what your nervous system does (i.e. pain + symptoms are the last thing to show up + the first thing to go away even though there is an underlying problem.)

To understand what's happening with the other 85% you have to be able to get information another way, which is where a chiropractic exam comes into play. 

did you know

before your first visit

Click here to get a detailed explanation start to finish!

curious about what to expect?

our team is excited to welcome you to rochester chiropractic & WellNess.

After you speak with one of our patient care coordinators, you’ll be sent paperwork to fill out via email. please have your paperwork filled out prior to your scheduled visit. BE SURE TO FILL IT OUT IN ITS ENTIRETY TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY! This allows us to get all of the information we need and gives us a good idea about what you’re struggling with. 

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

we look forward to connecting with you!

— Morgan

I have so many stories, but the biggest chiropractic miracle was with my 4.5 year old. She had been struggling with massive emotional and violent tantrums for almost a year. We tried all the the books and spirited child classes. Nothing was working to help her. After only 2-3 adjustments, we noticed HUGE change! Her emotional regulation and temper was so much better. It’s hard to put into words what an answer to prayer it was, after such a long and trying season, but I am forever grateful for how much it helped her/us.