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The 3R’s of Rapid Recovery From an Illness


  1. Rest 

Usually the reason we get sick is because we’ve been doing a poor job of this one essential health + resilience building action (or lack of action) – rest. 

When we’re in a busy, stressful, chaotic season as an individual or as a family it very much depletes our body’s natural defenses and weakens our immune systems. This lowered resistance and resilience is what actually causes an illness to take hold, not merely the exposure to it (germ theory). 

Therefore the most important thing our body craves and needs to get over the illness as quickly and effectively as possible is to rest. 

This looks like not only extra sleep, but also just taking it easy when you’re awake. Do all you can to avoid checking emails or work messages as an adult. Do all you can to keep your child or teen away from phones, texts, YouTube, and TV when they are resting. While this can be quite boring and therefore difficult to do, it will help speed recovery in a major way. 

  1. Replenish 

Once again the lack of proper nutrients and nourishment is likely what led to the illness in the first place. Once again it makes sense to really prioritize this step and get lots of clean water stacked with electrolytes and minerals. Lots of clean protein and macronutrients, and lots of superfood smoothies, fruits, and vegetables into your diet as possible. 

While you or your child may not feel much like eating or drinking at all during the initial stages of the illness. Once hunger and drive starts to kick in again that’s a sign the body is really ready to replenish! It’s important to load it up with all the right nutrients in doing so! 

  1. Recharge 

The two systems that take the biggest hit during an illness are of course the immune system, but also the nervous system, which controls and coordinates immune function. 

You’ll want to recharge the nervous system by getting at least one (if not two) neurologically-focused chiropractic adjustments each day during the illness. Then absolutely load up on all immune system boosting and recharging supplements such as Vitamin D, Vitamin C, zinc, and so forth. Also things like bone broth, elderberry syrup, raw local honey, and various essential oils and homeopathic remedies can really help recharge and strengthen your immune system. 

Putting It All Together 

Point blank getting sick is a regular part of life. We’re all going to have times where we get busy, don’t quite keep our guard up, and a virus or illness gets a hold of us for a short season. Having this 3R’s and “Kick the Sick” plan ready to roll out when we need it to get back to full health is a very normal and regular part of life! 

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Understanding Emotional Dysregulation in Kids: A Nervous System Approach 

Pediatric Chiropractic

Take a deep breath with me for a moment. If you’re reading this, you’re likely living with a daily reality that feels overwhelming: constant emotional outbursts, intense mood swings, heartbreaking meltdowns, struggles with anger, and a child who seems to have no impulse control. For many parents of children with emotional dysregulation, this isn’t just a bad day – it’s every day.

You’ve probably been up late at night, desperately searching for answers. You’ve likely consulted countless specialists – teachers, therapists, doctors – hoping someone would have the solution. You’ve tried everything you can think of: reward charts, punishment systems, essential oils, deep breathing techniques, supplements – the list goes on and on. Maybe you’ve even reached what felt like your last resort – turning to medications for anxiety, depression, or ADHD.

Even if medication has helped improve some symptoms, you might still find yourself awake at night, searching for safer, more natural alternatives. You’re looking for something that addresses the root cause of your child’s challenges, not just masks the symptoms. You worry about long-term medication dependency and seek a better way forward.

A Different Understanding of Your Child’s Struggles

Here’s something that might change everything about how you view your child’s struggles: the root cause of emotional dysregulation often lies within the brain and nervous system, but not in the way you might have been told. This isn’t just about a “chemical imbalance” – it’s about understanding your child’s nervous system from a functional standpoint.

When your child’s nervous system becomes overstressed, imbalanced, and dysregulated, their emotions and behavior naturally follow suit. And here’s the most important thing to remember: this isn’t simply a genetic condition or a reflection of your parenting. The root cause may be simpler and more straightforward than you think.

Understanding the Nervous System Connection

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) controls emotional responses through two key branches: 

  1. The sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) 
  2. The parasympathetic nervous system (rest, regulate, and digest)

So you can think of your child’s nervous system like a car with a sensitive gas pedal and brake system. When working properly, it can smoothly accelerate and brake as needed. But sometimes, due to various factors, it can get stuck in “high gear” – what we call a sympathetic dominant state or “fight-or-flight” mode. This imbalance and overactive state is known as dysautonomia and nervous system dysregulation.

The “Perfect Storm”: How Did We Get Here?

Several factors can contribute to nervous system dysregulation:

  • Early life stress, including maternal stress during pregnancy
  • Birth interventions like C-sections, forceps, or vacuum extraction
  • The overuse of antibiotics and other medications, plus environmental toxins and poor diet, which disrupts the microbiome and gut-brain connection

Together, these factors create neurological imbalances, leading to emotional dysregulation.

Beyond Traditional Approaches

While behavioral strategies and medications have their place, they often only mask the symptoms rather than the underlying root cause. That’s why many parents find that even when medications help calm their child’s symptoms, they’re still searching for a more complete solution – a neurologically-focused one that addresses the root cause of their child’s challenges – which is needed for lasting change.

Finding Hope and Solutions

The good news is that understanding this nervous system connection opens up new possibilities for helping your child. Just as the nervous system can become dysregulated, it can also be guided back into balance through appropriate support and care.

Some key things to consider:

  • Your child’s behavior isn’t a reflection of poor parenting or a lack of discipline
  • These challenges aren’t simply something they’ll “grow out of”
  • There are ways to measure and address nervous system imbalances
  • A comprehensive approach that considers the whole nervous system can make a real difference

Moving Forward

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your child’s emotional dysregulation, remember that you’re not alone, and there is hope. At RCW, we understand that the nervous system’s role is often the first step toward finding an effective solution for your children, and we would love to help!

We use cutting-edge technology called INSiGHT Scans that allow us to pinpoint, measure, and find subluxation, sympathetic dominance, and nervous system dysregulation that may be causing your child’s emotional dysregulation. With the proper care, we can help your family find calmer, more balanced days. 

Remember, your child’s emotional struggles aren’t your fault, and seeking help isn’t a sign of failure – it’s a sign of love and commitment to your child’s wellbeing.

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Epigenetics and the Perfect Storm: Exploring the Deepest Layers of Chronic Health Issues in Kids Today!

Pediatric Chiropractic

Has a healthcare provider ever told you that your child’s health challenges are “just genetic” and there’s nothing you can do about it? Have you felt frustrated, being told to simply rely on medications and learn to live with it? If so, we have some empowering news for you: science now shows us that genes aren’t everything.

The Power of Epigenetics: Your Child’s Health Journey

While the conventional medical system may still want us to believe that our health is entirely predetermined by our genetic code and that good health or bad health is a “hard-wired” path, we don’t have much control over – the opposite is true! 

The fascinating field of epigenetics reveals something remarkable: your child’s DNA isn’t their destiny. Instead, think of their genetic code as a dynamic playbook that can be influenced by the environment, lifestyle choices, and experiences. This means you have far more control over your family’s health than you might have been led to believe.

What Exactly is Epigenetics?

Imagine your child’s DNA as a deck of playing cards. While genetics might stack the deck in certain ways, it’s the environmental signals and lifestyle choices that determine which cards get played and in what order. These environmental factors can activate or suppress genes without changing the DNA sequence itself.

This explains why:

  • Identical twins can develop different health conditions despite having the same genetic code
  • Siblings with the same DNA can have completely different health experiences
  • Some children thrive despite having “challenging” genes, while others struggle

The “Perfect Storm”: Understanding Early Life Influences

Your child’s health story begins even before birth. Several key factors can influence how their genes express themselves – we call this “The Perfect Storm”:

  1. Pregnancy and Early Development
    • Stress levels during pregnancy
    • Fertility treatments and related experiences
    • Birth interventions (C-sections, forceps, etc.)
    • Early exposure to antibiotics and environmental toxins
    • Nutrition and food choices
  2. Your Child’s Nervous System
    • Early life stresses can affect neurological development, creating subluxation
    • This leads to dysautonomia – an imbalance in the nervous system
    • The vagus nerve, which controls everything from digestion to emotional well-being, can become dysfunctional
    • These neurological challenges then trigger a cascade of health issues that can actually spill over to future generations

How Epigenetics Affects Common Health Challenges

Understanding epigenetics helps explain why many modern health challenges develop:

Metabolic Health

Your child’s early nutrition and dietary patterns can influence how their body processes food and maintains energy balance. This can affect their long-term metabolic health and weight management.

Immune System Function

Environmental factors, including exposure to pollutants, stress, or certain foods, can impact how your child’s immune system develops and responds to challenges. This helps explain why some children develop allergies or asthma while others don’t.

Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Your child’s early experiences, including stressful environments, maternal stress during pregnancy, environmental exposures, and early childhood trauma, can influence their neurological development. This understanding provides new insights into conditions like ADHD and various behavioral patterns.

Taking Control: What You Can Do

At RCW, through neurologically-focused chiropractic care, we can address the root causes of your child’s challenges by optimizing nervous system function and supporting healthy epigenetic expression. This isn’t about masking symptoms – it’s about creating real, lasting foundational health.

Here are some other key areas where you can make a difference:

  1. Environment
    • Choose natural cleaning products
    • Reduce exposure to environmental toxins
    • Create a calm, nurturing home environment
  2. Nutrition
    • Focus on whole, nutrient-rich foods
    • Minimize processed foods and artificial additives
    • Stay hydrated with clean water
  3. Lifestyle
    • Establish consistent sleep routines
    • Encourage regular physical activity
    • Manage stress levels in the family

Hope for the Future

Understanding epigenetics gives us tremendous hope. It shows us that we’re not bound by our genetic code – we have the power to influence how our genes express themselves through the choices we make every day.

Remember, your child’s health story isn’t written in stone. Through understanding epigenetics and making informed choices, you can help write a healthier chapter for your family’s future. Every positive change you make today can influence your child’s health trajectory for years to come.

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What Doctors Won’t Tell You About Overstimulation

Pediatric Chiropractic

Does this sound familiar? Your child suddenly covers their ears in a noisy restaurant, has an unexpected meltdown at the grocery store, or becomes distressed by the tags in their clothing. As a parent, these moments can feel overwhelming and isolating. You might have been told that these are just behavioral issues or that your child will “grow out of it.” But what if we told you there’s something deeper happening in your child’s nervous system?

The Reality of Sensory Processing Challenges

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve experienced the heartache of watching your child struggle with sensory overload. You’re not alone. Recent studies from the CDC indicate that up to 40% of school-aged children today experience at least one chronic health condition, with sensory processing issues becoming increasingly common.

Understanding Overstimulation: More Than Just Behavior

What’s actually happening when your child becomes overwhelmed? Think of it like a traffic jam in your child’s nervous system. Their brain is receiving more sensory input than it can effectively process at once. This isn’t just about behavior – it’s about how your child’s brain and nervous system are functioning.

The Autonomic Nervous System: Your Child’s Control Center

Your child’s nervous system has two key branches:

  • The Sympathetic System (often called “fight or flight”)
  • The Parasympathetic System (known as “rest and digest”)

When your child’s system becomes overwhelmed, they can get stuck in sympathetic dominance – their body’s alert system stays switched “on.” This creates a cascade of effects that you might recognize:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Digestive issues
  • Emotional dysregulation
  • Increased sensitivity to sensory input

The “Perfect Storm”: Understanding Your Child’s Sensory Challenges

Sensory processing challenges often develop from what we call a “Perfect Storm” of factors:

  1. Prenatal Influences: Stress during pregnancy can impact how a developing brain processes sensory information
  2. Birth Experiences: Interventions like C-sections, forceps, or vacuum extractions can create physical stress on the developing nervous system
  3. Early Childhood Factors: Environmental stressors and developmental challenges can further impact nervous system development

Recognizing When Your Child is Overstimulated

As a parent, you might notice these signs when your child is experiencing sensory overload:

Physical Signs

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Unusual fatigue

Emotional Signs

  • Increased irritability
  • Rising anxiety levels
  • Sudden emotional outbursts

Behavioral Signs

  • Difficulty focusing
  • Frequent meltdowns
  • Actively seeking quiet spaces

A Different Approach to Help

While traditional approaches often focus on avoiding triggers or managing symptoms, there’s another way to support your child. Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care looks at the root cause of these challenges, not just the symptoms.

At Rochester Chiropractic and Wellness, we use cutting-edge technology called INSiGHT Scans, which can help us identify exactly where your child’s nervous system needs support. These non-invasive scans can be done while your child sits comfortably – even in your lap – and provide valuable information about how their sensory system is adapting to the world around them. Then precise, gentle adjustments release stuck sympathetic stress and activate the parasympathetic system for better regulation, getting to the real root cause! 

Moving Forward

Remember, your child isn’t choosing to be overwhelmed – their nervous system is genuinely struggling to process the world around them. The good news is that with proper support and understanding, there are ways to help your child’s nervous system find better balance and regulation.

Most importantly, know that you’re not alone in this journey. Many families are navigating similar challenges, and there is hope that your child can experience the world around them without being overwhelmed by it. We want to help!

Your child’s sensitivity isn’t a flaw – it’s part of who they are. With the right support and understanding, you can help them develop the tools they need to navigate their sensory experiences more comfortably and confidently.

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The #1 Thing Holding Your Child Back Developmentally

Pediatric Chiropractic

As a parent, watching your child develop is both exciting and nerve-wracking. You celebrate every milestone – from rolling over to first words – while constantly wondering if they’re progressing as they should. If you’ve noticed your child isn’t meeting milestones at the same pace as their peers, or if healthcare providers have expressed concerns, you’re not alone. According to the CDC, 1 in 6 children faces developmental delays – and in our modern environment, we’re seeing these numbers climb even higher.

Breaking Down “The Perfect Storm”

What many parents don’t realize is that developmental delays aren’t random or simply “bad genetics.” Instead, they often result from what we call “The Perfect Storm” – a combination of three key factors that impact early development:

  1. Prenatal Stress and Fertility Challenges: The journey to parenthood itself can impact your child’s nervous system development. Whether through fertility treatments, pregnancy complications, or maternal stress.
  2. Birth Interventions: Common procedures like C-sections, forceps, or vacuum extractions can affect your child’s developing nervous system, particularly in the critical brainstem region.
  3. Early Environmental Factors: Modern environmental stressors, including early antibiotic use and various toxins, can influence your child’s developmental trajectory.

Why Traditional Approaches Often Plateau

If your child is already in physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy, you might have noticed periods where progress seems to stall. Here’s why: while these therapies are valuable, they typically focus on muscles and soft tissues rather than the underlying neurological system.

Think of it like trying to improve a computer’s performance by only upgrading the monitor. You might see some improvements, but if the processor isn’t functioning optimally, you won’t get the full results you’re looking for.

The Foundation of Development: Your Child’s Nervous System

The key to understanding developmental delays lies in the nervous system. Particularly the brainstem region, which we call the body’s “Air Traffic Control.” This area coordinates everything from motor planning and muscle tone to sensory processing and coordination.

Development follows a precise neurological hierarchy, much like building a house. You need a solid foundation before adding walls and a roof. Here’s how it works:

  1. Autonomic Nervous System: This is your foundation – controlling basic functions like breathing, digestion, and stress response.
  2. Neuro-Motor System: Built upon that foundation, this system enables basic movement patterns and coordination.
  3. Gut & Immune System: This level impacts overall health and brain development.
  4. Brain-Based Functions: At the top level, this includes complex skills like social interaction, speech, and emotional regulation.

Each level depends on the strength of the ones below it. This is why:

  • Proper nervous system function isn’t just important – it’s essential
  • “Simple” milestones like crawling actually play crucial roles in brain development
  • Skipping milestones (like going straight to walking without crawling) can impact future development
  • Each developmental stage builds upon previous ones, creating a cascade effect when early stages are disrupted

Therefore, when the nervous system is disrupted (often due to early life stressors or physical trauma), it can lead to:

  • Delayed motor milestones
  • Speech and communication challenges
  • Sensory processing difficulties
  • Coordination and balance issues

Taking Action: What Parents Can Do

If you’re concerned about your child’s development:

  1. Trust Your Instincts: If you feel something isn’t quite right, don’t wait to seek help. Early intervention is crucial during these rapid developmental years.
  2. Look Beyond Surface Symptoms: Rather than just treating individual delays, seek care that addresses the underlying neurological function.
  3. Consider a Neurological Assessment: Advanced scanning technology, INSiGHT scans, can now measure nervous system function and identify specific areas of dysfunction that might be holding your child back.

At Rochester Chiropractic and Wellness, we believe your child’s future isn’t set in stone. With the right understanding and support, remarkable progress is possible. The key is addressing the root cause rather than just managing symptoms.

Moving Forward

Development isn’t just about meeting milestones – it’s about building a strong foundation for your child’s future. By understanding and addressing the underlying factors affecting their development, you can help your child not just catch up, but thrive.

Whether your child is showing early signs of delays or has been in traditional therapies for years, understanding this neurological perspective could be the missing piece in their developmental puzzle.

Don’t let another month go by, wondering if your child will “just grow out of it.” Please reach out to RCW today!

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POTS Explained: The Complex Causes Behind This Chronic Neurological Condition

Kick the Sick

As a parent, watching your teen struggle with unexplained dizziness, fatigue, frequent fainting, and near constant anxiety can be both terrifying and frustrating. Every time they stand up or shift positions, you hold your breath, wondering if they’ll feel faint or need to sit back down.  If your child has been diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), you’re likely searching for answers about what’s really causing these challenging symptoms.

POTS affects approximately 1 in 100 teenagers, with girls being 2-3 times more likely to develop the condition. While you may have been told that genetics are to blame, or received no clear explanation at all, there’s more to the story that every parent needs to understand.

Looking Beyond Genetics: Understanding the Root Cause

The key to understanding POTS lies in understanding how your child’s nervous system functions. While genetic factors may play a role, the primary trigger for POTS symptoms is often related to nervous system dysfunction and dysregulation. Particularly within the autonomic nervous system.

The Vagus Nerve Connection

At the heart of this condition is the vagus nerve – a crucial component of your child’s autonomic nervous system that:

  • Controls heart rate and blood pressure
  • Regulates breathing patterns
  • Maintains overall body balance
  • Influences focus and concentration

Today’s teenagers are living in perhaps the most stressful era and toxic times we’ve ever seen. This constant stress bombards our children’s nervous system and leaves it stuck in a state of sympathetic fight-or-flight stress mode, which leads to vagus nerve dysfunction.

Understanding Dysautonomia

Chronic subluxation and nervous system dysregulation can lead to a condition called dysautonomia. An imbalance in the autonomic nervous system where:

  • The “fight or flight” response becomes overactive
  • The calming, regulatory functions become suppressed
  • Multiple body systems are affected simultaneously

Why Traditional Medical Tests May Miss the Root Cause

Many parents become, understandably, frustrated when standard medical tests fail to provide answers. Traditional tests usually don’t measure nervous system regulation.  The focus is typically on individual symptoms rather than underlying systemic dysfunction. Subtle neurological imbalances can be difficult to detect with standard testing.

Hope Through Understanding: What Parents Can Do

Understanding that POTS is primarily a nervous system condition opens up new avenues for support and treatment. Modern diagnostic approaches can now:

  • Measure nervous system regulation
  • Track heart rate variability
  • Identify specific areas of neurological interference
  • Monitor improvements over time

Taking Action: Next Steps for Parents

  1. Recognize the Signs: Watch for patterns in your child’s symptoms, particularly when changing positions or during periods of stress.
  2. Consider a Comprehensive Evaluation: Look for healthcare providers who understand the neurological aspects of POTS and use advanced diagnostic tools to measure nervous system function.
  3. Address Physical Tension: Pay attention to signs of stress and tension in your child’s upper neck, lower neck, shoulders, and mid-back.
  4. Support Overall Nervous System Health: Work with healthcare providers who can help address the underlying nervous system dysfunction rather than just managing symptoms.

The Path Forward

At RCW, we use advanced technology tools like our INSiGHT Scans to identify specific areas of neurological interference that may be contributing to your child’s symptoms. Our scans can actually measure and find dysregulation, especially our NeuroThermal and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) tests. This provides concrete evidence of autonomic nervous system function and tracking improvement over time.

While POTS can be challenging, understanding its true nature as a nervous system condition provides hope and direction. With proper support and care focused on nervous system regulation, many teens see significant improvements in their symptoms and quality of life.

Remember: You’re not alone in this journey. Many families are navigating similar challenges, and with the right understanding and support, your child can work toward better health and well-being.