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How to Help Your Child With Bedwetting

Pediatric Chiropractic

One of the most challenging issues faced by older children is bedwetting, also known as Enuresis. This condition can be embarrassing, emotionally distressing and significantly impact your child’s quality of life.  When your little one is struggling with bedwetting, it breaks your heart and can be challenging to find a solution.

If you have tried various methods such as sleep studies, nighttime alarms, water restriction before bedtime, and waking your child up to use the bathroom but still haven’t found answers or resolutions, please know this, you are not alone.  There are steps you can take to empower your child and address their bedwetting. It is time to delve deeper and explore the role of the brain and nervous system in Enuresis.

Understanding Enuresis

Enuresis occurs when involuntary urination happens during sleep, after the age when staying dry can reasonably be expected. It’s important to remember that bedwetting is not your child’s fault and is entirely beyond their control. Enuresis can disrupt your child’s sleep, leading to daytime sleepiness, irritability, and difficulty concentrating in school, which just intensifies this struggle.

As parents, we have the power to take charge of our child’s health. While traditional medical approaches may recommend waiting it out or managing symptoms, there are things you can do to seek out solutions that address the root cause. 

The Power of Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care is a specialized form of chiropractic care that offers a personalized approach to achieve lasting results. We focus on restoring and optimizing the function of the nervous system, which plays a vital role in overall health, including bladder function.  It regulates the communication between your child’s brain and bladder, ensuring proper coordination and control.

When there is a disruption in the neurological communication between the brain and the bladder, or when the nervous system remains in a sympathetic fight-or-flight mode, the bladder may not function properly during sleep.

Numerous complex factors can contribute to a dysregulated nervous system and disrupted communication pathways. Emotional stress, developmental challenges, sensory processing disorder, inflammation, and even difficult or traumatic birth experiences can all play a role.

After being stuck in an excessive fight-or-flight sympathetic response throughout the day, the brain and nervous system “overreact” at night. This overreaction leads to an excessive parasympathetic response, causing the muscles of the bladder to relax excessively during sleep, resulting in bedwetting.

This is where Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care comes in. We can make a significant difference in your child’s health journey using advanced technology called INSiGHT scans, which can detect subluxation in your child’s nervous system. Releasing tension and restoring communication within the nervous system can help your child regain control of their bladder function. 

Don’t Wait, Empower Your Child Today!

If your child is struggling with bedwetting or any form of Enuresis, it’s time to take action. Don’t wait for them to outgrow it or settle for temporary solutions. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation with our team. We can’t wait to help! Or if you aren’t local to us, get connected with a Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractor in our PX Docs network today. 

Your child deserves to live their best life, free from embarrassment and frustration, and achieve optimal growth and natural healing.  We are here to work side by side with you to make sure that happens!

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How Chiropractic Care Can Help Improve Sleep Patterns

Family Wellness

Hey parents, we want to talk about sleep today… or should we say lack of sleep. Let’s discuss the importance of sleep for you and your child’s health and well-being. Sleep is crucial for the immune, digestive, and cognitive systems. It impacts your kids social-emotional maturation and development. It is alarming to know that almost 50% of us have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Not enough people are talking about this! 

Lack of sleep causes irritability, difficulty focusing, and decreased energy levels. These challenges are even more severe for children as their brain is still developing and learning to regulate emotions, focus, and behavior.

Did you know that the brain builds more neurons and connections during sleep in the first couple of years of life than later in life? 

During sleep, the brain repairs, recharges, and prepares for the next day. It’s essential for brain development and learning. Unfortunately, it’s common to see parents and children struggling with exhaustion. Leading to unhealthy habits like excessive caffeine consumption in adults and behavior struggles in kids.

As neurologically-focused chiropractors, we prioritize improving the sleep quality of our patients. We must address sleep as a primary concern. That’s why the popular tagline, “America runs on Dunkin,” is concerning. It’s exposing a significant problem with our culture’s addiction to caffeine because we aren’t getting enough sleep!

We need to prioritize healthy sleep habits for our children and teenagers too. They need it most during this time of brain development and learning.

So what we want to do is help you get to the root cause of your family’s sleep challenges. This information is relevant to families with infants, little ones, grade schoolers, teenagers. Even for you, mom and dad, if your sleep is not great either. If you have tried everything from magnesium, melatonin, essential oils, diffusers, probiotics, every white noise machine, and blackout curtains, and are still not able to get your child to sleep. We think that this one thing we’re about to dive into is the missing link.

The Correlation Between Neurological Disorders and Sleep in Kids

Whether we are working with brand new little babies or older kiddos, the very first thing we work on is sleep. We focus on the root cause rather than just treating symptoms. Our obsession is to help your child get a good night’s sleep and, in turn, help them improve their motor planning, speech, behavior, and emotional well-being.

The Root Cause of Sleep Challenges

Lean in with me because we want to explain what may be causing your sleep challenges. And what we can do to help. This may get a bit deep into neurology, but we will keep it simple. Falling asleep and staying asleep both come from the same problem – an overactive, overstressed, overstimulated sympathetic fight or flight nervous system. During the day, it’s normal for our bodies to be on the gas pedal. With the nervous system being a little bit more fight or flighty as we go through our daily activities.

However, as nighttime approaches, our body’s central and autonomic nervous system senses our circadian rhythms, and starts to activate what’s called the parasympathetic system. This is nicknamed the rest, sleep, and digestion side of the nervous system. It’s the opposite of the fight or flight system. The parasympathetic nervous system helps us wind down and prepare for restful sleep.

Unfortunately, when children experience early life stressors such as birth interventions like forceps, vacuum extraction, C-sections, or induction, they may experience physical trauma to the nerves and muscles in the brainstem and upper cervical spine. This area of the body houses and protects a very important nerve called the vagus nerve, which is in charge of rest and digest functions.

The vagus nerve branches from the brainstem area, makes its way through the neck and into the thorax, and helps calm our heart rate and respiration, as well as activate digestion. It also goes into our social, emotional, and cognitive functions, slowing the brain down when it’s activated. If the vagus nerve is not functioning properly, you may struggle to shut your brain and body down, causing restlessness and difficulty sleeping.

This is a sign of vagus nerve dysfunction, also known as subluxation. This is simply our chiropractic term for stress stuck on the brake pedal with the vagus nerve shut down. We frequently see this in children who have suffered physical trauma to the upper neck at birth or in accidents. As well as anyone at any age that experiences constant pressure and tension on their neck and shoulders. Due to activities such as looking down at their phone or working on a computer for extended periods of time.

This issue, commonly referred to as “tech neck,” is a major contributing factor to why the nervous system may become stuck on sympathetic fight or flight overdrive. Preventing the brake pedal (parasympathetic nervous system) from functioning properly.

How Can Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Help?

As chiropractors focused on neurological care, we prioritize the consultation and case history to understand your challenges better. From colic to sleep issues to sensory and behavioral challenges, we recognize that these issues often stem from an overactive sympathetic fight or flight system and a vagus nerve brake pedal shutdown. 

These issues can lead to cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and brain-based challenges.

At the core of our care is our unique approach to adjustments. We like to call them neuro-tonal adjustments. They activate the vagus nerve and the rest and digest system. Our goal in the first week, month, and 100 days of chronic issues is to activate the vagus nerve and restore basic building blocks of health, like sleep.

Our approach to care has led to regular and common improvements in sleep and overall health, as reported by 65% of our patients within the first month. Improvements in sleep lead to improved mood, cognition, gut health, and more. This is especially true for older children with neurological challenges.

We recognize that healing happens in the order in which we get sick. Issues with sleep, digestion, and immunity are all under the control of the nervous system and the vagus nerve. By addressing the sympathetic fight or flight subluxation and reducing stress and noise, we can restore the function of the vagus nerve and the rest and digest system.

If you’ve tried other approaches without success, we believe that neurologically focused chiropractic care may be the missing link for your health. We invite you to learn more about our approach and how it can benefit your child’s health.

Our INSiGHT neurological testing can measure the amount of stress on your or your child’s nervous system, and determine if the vagus nerve is dysfunctional or shut down. This will give you the answers you need to help you get the restful sleep you need.

It’s common for parents and kids to be exhausted and emotional, but it’s not normal. 

Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care is the best solution for sleep challenges. More effective than other natural remedies like magnesium or melatonin. If you’ve tried everything and are still struggling with sleep issues, we encourage you to reach out to our office today.

Getting your child the sleep they need is essential for their overall health and well-being. Once your child is sleeping well, the whole family will benefit from better sleep and improved mood. Please share this information with other families who may be struggling with sleep challenges. We are here to provide hope, answers, and drug-free help.

chiropractor and dad fist bumping
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Stressed Out, Worn Out Dads

Family Wellness

Welcome, dads! There is no doubt a lot of hustle and grind of being a busy dad. So, we want to talk about the common tendency to accept poor health as just a part of being a dad. It’s not. We need to take care of ourselves so we can set a good example for our kids.

It’s easy to make jokes and accept the “dad bod” and all the health challenges that come with it. But ignoring these issues and relying on prescription drugs to treat them is not the answer.  

We want to break the cycle of accepting poor health as normal because you’re stressed and worn out. 

We know that our kids don’t always listen to what we say, but they definitely emulate our actions and habits. The truth is, if we don’t prioritize our health, we’re setting a bad example for them. When it comes to our health, our kids can either follow our bad habits or learn from our good ones. We want to help you set a good example for your family by taking care of yourself. That’s why Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care is so important.

The Ripple Effect

Some of you may be skeptical of chiropractic care, but we can assure you that it is backed up by science and clinical experience. Chances are you’re feeling burnt out, in pain, and exhausted all the time. You know what you should be doing to take care of yourself, but you just can’t seem to find the energy to do it. 

We don’t need to come in and try to be a mindset coach, nutritionist or exercise coach. But we do need to be real with you. The truth is, when we’re stressed and exhausted, our brain shifts into protective mode, making it difficult to make good decisions for our health.

In today’s fast-paced world, our nervous system is often caught in a loop of anxiety and ADHD. Our brain, as the master controller of our body, determines our ability to make sound decisions and take action. However, when we lack the energy to exercise or engage in healthy activities, our brains tend to opt for instant gratification like indulging in sugary treats and lounging on the couch. This can create a Perfect Storm for dads who find themselves increasingly burdened by their health.

As dads, you often get buried under the weight of our responsibilities and neglect our own health in the process. But the good news is that getting healthy is actually much simpler for men than it is for the amazing people that really run our lives, moms. By taking things in the right order and doing things in the right sequence, you can get healthy way easier than you think.

When dads prioritize their health, it has a ripple effect on the entire family. Studies show that when dads are active, fit, and healthy, it changes everything for the family. Your children will see the importance of taking care of their health and follow your lead.

The Role of Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic

So, where do you start? The first step is actually getting adjusted. You might be thinking, “Of course you’re going to say that, you’re a chiropractor!”. But let us explain the science behind it by explaining a dad scan to you.

Before we begin chiropractic care with any of our patients, including dads, we start by getting a baseline test called an INSiGHT scan. This measures the health of your nervous system and gives us an exact blueprint as to why you may be experiencing constant pain or exhaustion. It’s like a cheat code to get you healthy.

The EMG Scan

Let’s into a recent dad scan from our practice. There are three main things to notice. The first is the colors on the EMG, which measures neuromuscular tension or physical tension and exhaustion. The first thing you’ll see is that nearly all dads have way too much tension stuck in their neck, shoulders, and low back. This is why they often complain of neck pain, headaches at the base of their skull, or low back issues.

Problem number two on the EMG scan is the yellow, which is the opposite of red, and means weak core. If you’re like most dads today, you probably have a desk job that keeps you sitting for hours on end. This sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc on your nervous system, particularly in the mid-thoracic area. This area of the spine is where your adrenals are located – the stress and protective glands of your body.

Dads are actually designed by God to be in charge of protection. So, by nature, are supposed to have extra energy. They’re supposed to have this extra drive, fortitude, neuromuscular, get after it and handle stuff for their family.

But when your nervous system becomes exhausted in this area, it can lead to adrenal exhaustion, leaving you feeling burnt out. Your neuromuscular system plays a crucial role in your ability to exercise effectively. If your nervous system is stressed out and worn out, as is often the case for busy dads, you’re going to have a hard time finding the energy, flexibility, and mobility you need to work out safely and consistently. In fact, pushing yourself too hard in this state can lead to injury and setbacks.

That’s where chiropractic care comes in. 

By focusing on the health of your nervous system, chiropractors can help you lay a strong foundation for better fitness, nutrition, and mental health. 

During the first 30 to 90 days of chiropractic care, your chiropractor will work to make adjustments that reduce tension, activate your core, and energize your nervous system. 

All you need to do is show up for your appointments and let them do the rest. Chiropractic care is the ultimate health hack for dads because it takes the pressure off of you to do everything on your own. 

The HRV Scan

The second scan we look at is the HRV scan. The little white dot on the scan represents the dad’s stress level. As you move towards the lower left, it indicates increasing levels of stress and exhaustion. This constant tension in the shoulders, low back, core, and adrenals can cause exhaustion throughout the body and nervous system. While exercise, supplements, and diet can help alleviate some symptoms, chiropractic care is the only solution that addresses the root cause of stress.

Our goal is to let you know that there is a way out of the vicious cycle of stress, exhaustion, and feeling like crap. Getting healthy and active is possible with chiropractic care, which is a part of the family health system. It is the most effective solution for dads who want to regain their energy and get healthy.

Give Us a Call – Today! 

If you’re not sure where to start, begin by giving us a call to set up your baseline scan. Many dads make two mistakes when it comes to their health. They either don’t start at all or try to take on everything at once. 

At our office, we’ll work with you to create a customized plan based on your scan and consultation to get you healthy step by step. The first step is getting your energy or mojo back through chiropractic care. 

We believe that every dad deserves to feel healthy, vibrant, and full of energy. By simply getting connected, receiving a consultation, and getting a scan, you can begin to transform your health and become the energetic dad that you’ve always wanted to be.

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and feel exhausted all the time. But you don’t have to be that dad anymore. You can take charge of your health and create a better future for yourself and your family. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

So, dads, let’s get after it and prioritize our health this summer. Together, we can create a healthier and happier future for ourselves and our families.

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ADHD in Children: Understanding the Root Causes and Drug-Free Management

Pediatric Chiropractic

Parents, if you have a child struggling with ADHD, whether they’re diagnosed or not, whether they’re on medication or not, please know that you are not alone. ADHD affects 6 million kids in the United States. Over 4 million of them are on medication that can have harmful short-term and long-term side effects. 

So, we want to delve into the root causes of ADHD. Including the neurology, chemistry, and physiology behind it, in a way that is easy to understand. This is specifically for parents who do not want to use medications to help their child with ADHD challenges. We nickname our ADHD kiddos “Raging Bulls” because they have a lot of energy and drive, and we absolutely love their personalities. If you resonate with this, then this is perfect for you.

We’ll explore the causes of ADHD and how it can be turned into a superpower for your child. We’ll also talk about the struggles that come with ADHD, such as difficulty with sleep. However, the most important message is that you can turn your child’s ADHD into a superpower without medication.

We want to debunk the outdated medical theories surrounding ADHD and get to the root of the neurology that is causing it. It’s important for parents to understand that once you know what’s really behind ADHD, you can start working on drug-free solutions to balance your child’s nervous system and help them thrive.

The Genetic and Chemical Imbalance Theories

It’s alarming that there is no medical test for ADHD, and yet 6 million children have been diagnosed with it. 4 million are taking dangerous medications based on two scientific theories that both lack evidence. The first theory is the genetic theory, which suggests that ADHD is purely genetic. The second is the chemical imbalance theory. It proposes that certain chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and epinephrine are out of order, and medications are required for life to correct this imbalance.

This is where Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic comes in. Many people seek out chiropractic care for physical ailments, such as chronic neck or back pain. They may not even know they have ADHD, but will soon discover that a lot of times neurological challenges actually stem from these physical ailments.

Contrary to popular belief, the number one cause of ADHD is not bad genetics or bad chemistry. It’s actually imbalanced neurology.

The True Root Cause – Imbalanced Neurology

Our nervous system has two sides – the gas pedal fight or flight side and the brake pedal parasympathetic side. When the fight or flight side is overstimulated, it can lead to ADHD symptoms like impulsivity, hyperactivity, and emotional dysregulation. This is because ADHD is a subtype that is impulsive or hyperactive in nature. 

However, the other side of the nervous system called the parasympathetic side, is also known as the “brake pedal.” This side of the nervous system is responsible for rest, relaxation, focus, following directions, and emotional control. Unfortunately, for children with ADHD, this side of the nervous system is underactive, and their gas pedal side is overactive.

Early Stressors Affect Neurology

So why does this happen? During the first few years of life, the brain is highly plastic and moldable. If a child experiences a lot of stress during this critical period, it can wreak havoc on the brainstem and nervous system. This stress can begin all the way back to pregnancy, labor, delivery, and birth interventions resulting in birth trauma. Furthermore, if a child experiences early-life stressors such as a lot of antibiotics or challenges, it can shift the neurology and hardwire the brain to be excessively in sympathetic overdrive.

When the nervous system is in this overdrive state, it creates an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are responsible for transmitting messages within the nervous system. This imbalance leads to the classic symptoms of ADHD. 

We’ve discussed neurological differences between the gas and brake pedals of the brain with traditional medical doctors. This phenomenon is not merely a theory but a scientifically-backed explanation for ADHD, anxiety, sensory processing disorders, and other related conditions. 

While chemical imbalances are present in these cases, they are not the root cause but rather a secondary effect. The chemicals involved are meant to regulate the nervous system, and respond to stimuli with either a fight or flight response. In the case of individuals with ADHD, their nervous system is wired to respond with an excessive urge to move, talk, or engage in risky behaviors. This is where the neurotransmitters come into play – responding to the nervous system’s signals. 

Therefore, while the chemical imbalance theory is not inaccurate, it is incomplete as it fails to address the underlying neurological differences that lead to these behaviors.

Air Traffic Control – The Autonomic Nervous System

There is something deeper, the true root cause of these chemical imbalances in children lies in an imbalance in the central or autonomic nervous system. The root cause is often caused by early stressors a child experiences. While genetics may play a small role, the stressful and toxic environment we live in today affects our children earlier than ever before. Leading to what we call the Perfect Storm theory.

But here’s the good news: by rebalancing and restoring function to the nervous system, we can address the true root cause of these imbalances using neurologically-focused chiropractic care. By focusing on the central nervous system, we can reactivate and wake up the “brake pedal” side of the nervous system. The side that is responsible for calming and regulating the body.

We have trained using a unique set of care protocols for children with neurological challenges, regardless of their specific diagnosis. The interest is not simply in treating or curing ADHD; our focus is on addressing the cause of the symptoms. We do this by using an adjusting protocol system that activates the parasympathetic side of the nervous system. This helps with concentration and calming.

The length and frequency of our neurologically focused chiropractic care plan depends on the severity and duration of a child’s nervous system challenges. We work with each family to create a customized care plan to help achieve optimal nervous system function.
In order for your child’s brain and nervous system to calm down and function at their best, this care plan is necessary. It is commonly known as neurologically focused restoration chiropractic care. If your child is struggling in school with failing grades, a fried brain, and an inability to concentrate or sleep, and ADHD seems to be getting the better of them – there is HOPE. Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic care can turn their ADHD into a superpower. 

We believe that every child with ADHD has so much potential. They possess a unique brain and drive that when properly harnessed, can be a superpower.

The world needs more raging bulls. But for those kids who are always on the go, it’s important that they have the ability to slow down and take corners more smoothly when needed. 

Chiropractic care is a drug-free option that addresses the root cause of your child’s ADHD. By activating their brake pedal system, we can regulate their chemistry, physiology, and overall body function. It’s a transformative approach that can help children of any age and severity.

It’s frustrating that traditional medicine often lacks a complete understanding of the chemical theory behind ADHD. And doesn’t offer a test for it. At our offices, we believe in providing measurable results, and our ADHD test does just that.

If you’re ready to take the next step, please give our office a call! If you’re not local to our office, check out our directory and find a PX Doc local to you. Your child deserves to reach their full potential. This can be achieved without relying on medication and looking forward to a brighter future. We’re always here to support you and your child on their journey toward success.

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How to Care for Constipation Naturally 

Kick the Sick

Constipation is a common issue affecting about 30% of children, and tends to be worse in the preschool & toddler years. However, constipation is not something kids neccessarily grow out of. Instead, they grow into other digestive issues later in life. 

If you’ve already tried prebiotics, probiotics, prune juice, pureed prunes, and other natural remedies to no avail, this is for you. Even if you’ve resorted to over-the-counter or prescription medication like Miralax (which often comes with side effects like behavior issues and meltdowns), and you’re still searching for a natural drug-free option- this is for you.

As a neurologically focused pediatric chiropractors, we want to share with you the number one missing link found in more than 80% of kids with constipation who come to our clinic. Please share this with other parents who may be struggling with constipation in their kids, as the information we’ll discuss could help their little ones as well.

The Root Causes of Constipation

In our clinic, we don’t just treat the symptoms and throw medications at a condition like a traditional pediatrician would. Instead, we get to the root cause and work closely with the nervous system. Constipation may seem like a gut issue related to diet and nutrition. If you’ve tried all the nutritional changes, supplements, and probiotics- you’re amazing! You’re moving in the right direction to make digestion easier for your kiddo!!  But if your child is still struggling with constipation, that’s where neurology and science come into play.

Through a real-life case study, I’ll explain how neurologically focused chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate constipation in children. The natural and drug-free approach we use focuses on the nervous system to get to the root of the problem. Rather than just treating the symptoms. 

Constipation, like most challenges in children, is rarely caused by one thing. There’s usually a multitude of stressors that go into the child’s nervous system and body early on in life. This can include stress during pregnancy, interventions during delivery such as C-section, forceps, or vacuum, and exposure to toxins in the environment. This assortment of stress can cause the nervous system, or the neuro-digestive system, to slow down and become constipated. If you’ve struggled to find the exact cause of your child’s constipation, the answer is usually a combination of factors.

Stress on the Nervous System Affects Digestive Motility

Even though patients try to address constipation through nutrition & supplements, the root cause often comes from stress. Specifically, stress on the nervous system. In chiropractic care, this stress is called subluxation, which means stress stuck on. The sympathetic fight or flight side of the nervous system is what we call the gas pedal. When it gets stuck on, it can cause a variety of issues, including constipation, ADHD, anxiety, and sensory issues. In fact, many patients who struggle with these issues later in life also had constipation when they were children.

When the nervous system is stressed out, it steals energy from the gut. This can cause digestive motility to slow down, leading to what we call neurogenic constipation. Four out of five cases of constipation that we see in our clinic are neurogenic. This means they are caused by stress on the nervous system. We can usually determine this by looking back at the child’s case history, seeing if the family has tried everything else, and measuring the stress, or subluxation, on the nervous system using our INSiGHT scans.

Juniper’s Story of Hope

One example of how chiropractic care can help with constipation is the case of a little baby named Juniper. At just five months old, Juniper was going days without pooping. Her rock star mom had tried everything, from probiotics to changes in diet. But after seeking chiropractic care, Juniper’s constipation improved significantly. 

We’re going to dive into Juniper’s first neurothermal scan. This is a piece of technology we use in our offices to measure stress on the nervous system. The neurothermal scan allows us to do two things: quantify stress and locate stress. It helps us identify subluxations, or misalignments, in the spine. We conducted Juniper’s first neurothermal scan, and found two significant subluxations in her neuro spinal system. One was at the very top of her spine – the brain stem or upper cervical area (C1-C2). The other was in the middle, at T5-T6.

When the upper cervical area is subluxated and stressed out, the nerve that is most affected is the vagus nerve. This nerve is known as the “rest and digest” nerve, which is crucial for proper digestion. It starts in the cervical spine, goes all the way down to the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and diaphragm. It slows our heart rate while also improving our breathing. In Juniper’s case, her constipation was from subluxations in the upper neck that were blocking the vagus nerve’s proper function.

The second subluxation was in the mid-neuro gastric, stomach area. This area was responsible for getting food digested and into the top one-third and two-thirds of her neuro gastric system. If the food cannot be broken down in steps one and two, it cannot be eliminated in step three. This is why Juniper was having difficulty with constipation.

Even though this did not show up in Juniper’s scan specifically, it is not uncommon for kids with constipation to have significant subluxations down around the sacrum. The sacrum houses another plexus of what’s called parasympathetic, or “rest and digest,” nerves. Many kids we see in our clinic not only have the same upper to middle subluxations that Juniper had, but they also have lower subluxations.

Chiropractic care does not aim to treat or cure constipation. Rather, our focus is on taking care of the nervous system by removing stress and subluxation through gentle and easy neuro-tonal adjustments. By doing so, we aim to relax the nervous system and improve the tone and coordination of the neuromuscular system as a whole, which is essential in cases of neurogenic constipation – the most common type of constipation.

While there are various factors that contribute to constipation, such as poor nutrition and excessive toxins, many families are making positive changes in these areas. They are incorporating good foods and supplements while limiting or eliminating toxins. However, as has been mentioned, even with a healthy diet and lifestyle, subluxation can still occur during pregnancy, delivery, and early stages of life, making it crucial to seek out neurologically-focused, pediatric chiropractic care. If you aren’t local to our office, we have a network of trained and ready chiropractors in our PX Docs Network that can address this missing link and ensure optimal nervous system function.

To learn more about how to take care of constipation naturally, please read this article. We encourage you to share this information with other moms and families to reach more people who may benefit from this knowledge. If you’re ready to explore pediatric chiropractic care and the role of subluxation in digestive motility, please reach out to us to schedule a consultation. Or, to find your local PX Doc, visit our directory. We can provide customized adjustments that are personalized to your child’s specific needs. This can lead to better gut health, improved immune system, sleep, and motor tone.

We want to help families find answers to their constipation concerns before turning to heavy medications that have potentially harmful side effects. As always, we are here for you to provide hope, answers, and help in any way we can. 

newborn getting adjusted on comfy pillow
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Exploring the Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Colic With the Help of INSiGHT Scans

Pediatric Chiropractic

As parents ourselves, we know firsthand how distressing it is to hear your baby cry incessantly. When it’s just a little whimper, we want to jump right in and comfort them, but when it’s all day, every day, and they’re writhing in discomfort and can’t sleep, it’s excruciating to witness. This could be a sign of colic. Unfortunately, many pediatricians tend to dismiss colic as just normal crying and may tell you they’ll grow out of it. But if your gut is telling you that something isn’t right, it’s time to dig deeper.

Colic is a common catch-all term used to describe a baby who is crying excessively and is unable to sleep or eat comfortably. It affects about one in five babies, but we believe that number may even be higher. The challenge with colic is that it’s often dismissed as just normal baby behavior, leaving parents feeling helpless and frustrated.

We want to help parents understand the root causes of colic and what they can do to alleviate their baby’s discomfort. We’ll take a closer look at a case study of a baby who was helped named Nicholas. Nicholas was experiencing digestive issues, torticollis, and extreme discomfort. His mom knew that something more was going on and sought out chiropractic care.

The #1 Missing Link: The Nervous System

One contributor to colic can be nutrition. Certain foods may be more difficult for babies to digest, whether through formula or breastfeeding. However, the biggest missing link that many parents and pediatricians overlook is the nervous system. 

The nervous system is the foundation for all other systems in the body, including digestion, immunity, and motor function.

The nervous system was certainly the missing link for Nicholas, as well as thousands of other babies with colic we’ve been able to take care of at our practice. We’re passionate about helping parents understand the root causes of colic and how they can help their babies find relief. Let’s dive deep into the science behind colic and provide some practical tips for parents.

Babies Do NOT Grow Out of Colic

We first want to address a common misconception about colic. It is not something that babies simply grow out of. If your parent gut is telling you that something is not right, you’re absolutely correct. There is something going on within your baby’s body that you CAN address.

Many times, parents are told to just let their babies cry it out or to make dietary changes. However, these solutions usually don’t work. In fact, they may be causing more stress for you as a parent. Breastfeeding mothers may feel like they have to give up certain foods in order to help their baby, which can be very stressful during a time when they need to focus on their own healing and nervous system.  

What is so disheartening about this for so many families is that not only has their baby been crying nonstop, but they’ve tried everything. They’ve gone all in on diet changes and tried probiotics, gas drops, and herbal, natural, and nutritional remedies. After all that, their baby is still crying, arching, and uncomfortable. This is exactly what happened with Nicolas.

What Is Subluxation, and How Can INSiGHT Scans Help Detect It?

The reality is that there is something deeper going on, and that’s where subluxation comes in. Subluxation is simply a nerdy chiropractic word that means stress stuck on. When babies are colicky and inconsolable, it’s often because their nervous system is stuck in fight or flight mode. What we want is for them to spend more time in parasympathetic rest, digest, and poop mode.

Babies are supposed to eat, sleep, poop, and be cute. If they’re not doing these things and seem to be uncomfortable, then there is most likely subluxation present. I want to dive into Nicholas’s case and scans to explain this further.

These INSiGHT neurological scans are an incredible technology designed to detect and find stress on the nerves and muscles that control everything within your baby’s body. These scans are crucial because they help us understand how your baby’s nervous system is functioning and can identify subluxation.

The digestive system is the first thing that needs to develop for an infant. It’s controlled primarily through the parasympathetic nervous system, which means rest and digest. The number one nerve that controls the parasympathetic and digestive motility function is a nerve called the vagus nerve. This nerve branches from the upper cervical brainstem area.

Unfortunately, the vagus nerve is most easily subluxated either through a breach or abnormal positioning while the baby is still in utero or, most especially, through birth interventions such as forceps, vacuum, and C-sections where we twist, yank, and pull a baby out into the world. This subluxation causes misalignment in the upper cervical brainstem area, which is where the vagus nerve branches from.

The vagus nerve needs to make its way down through the cervical spine, thorax, and into the abdomen. It opens up the esophagus and activates the stomach and small intestine in our digesting processes. Any areas where there is a lot of green, blue, and red in the scans indicate areas of built-up stuck tension, which is caused by subluxation.

The built-up and stuck tension are levels of subluxation that interfere with the function of the gut, motor developmental system, ears, throat, and lungs. Children who end up with a lot of colic and torticollis may develop ear and respiratory infections later on.

For instance, Nicholas’s initial scans showed significant subluxation in multiple areas. This caused stress in his neuro-digestive function, leading to colic and torticollis. However, after receiving gentle, neurologically focused adjustments, we were able to release and unwind the tension from his nervous system. Nicholas started sleeping longer hours, and his neck and torticollis were resolved. His digestive system went from jammed up to kicking butt and pooping on the regular.

Chiropractic Care Can Help Your Colicky Baby

A pediatric chiropractor’s primary goal is to understand and address the root cause of colic in infants. We don’t treat or cure colic – we use thermal scans and other technologies to locate and quantify the subluxation and sympathetic stress that are causing the issue. With this information, we can develop a personalized care plan that includes gentle, safe adjustments to release the subluxation and reduce the stress on your child’s nervous system. That is what our office is trained to do. The result is a happy, relaxed baby who can eat, sleep, and poop like they’re supposed to. 

Colic is a serious issue that can lead to chronic ear infections, behavioral challenges, and delays in gross motor, fine motor, and speech development. That’s why it’s important to address it as early as possible. When the nervous system is under stress, it interferes with the vagus nerve and gut function. By making gentle, effective neuro-tonal adjustments, we can help your child sleep better, poop better, and be more relaxed overall.

If you’re a new parent dealing with colic, we hope this is helpful to you. Please share this information with other parents who may be struggling with similar issues. If you think that your child is likely experiencing stress on their nervous system, we encourage you to give us a call to schedule an appointment so we can take a deeper look into your baby’s nervous system. 

By identifying and addressing the root cause of colic, we can help your child thrive and reach their developmental milestones

So don’t wait – take action today and give your child the best possible start in life.