Explore our blog that focuses on holistic care for any and all ages - pediatric well-being, pre/post-natal health, and adult vitality.
As parents, our primary goal is to ensure the well-being of our children. One critical aspect of their health is understanding the appropriate use of antibiotics. Unfortunately, many parents are unaware that antibiotics are not always necessary or effective in treating certain infections. Such as viral illnesses or chronic ear infections. We want to dive into the importance of empowering and educating parents to become strong advocates for their children’s health. We will also shed light on the long-term health consequences of antibiotic misuse, and emphasize the need to address the root causes of common childhood infections.
Overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics have led to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This poses a significant threat as these infections become difficult, or sometimes impossible, to treat with conventional antibiotics. By understanding that antibiotics are not always the solution, and there are always natural alternatives, parents can play a crucial role in preventing the development of antibiotic resistance.
Antibiotics can be effective against harmful bacteria and lessen symptoms at the moment. They can also weaken and suppress the immune system. This can leave children vulnerable to recurrent infections and compromise their long-term health.
The human body hosts a vast community of microorganisms, known as the microbiome, which plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Antibiotics indiscriminately kill both harmful and beneficial bacteria, disrupting the delicate balance of the microbiome. This disruption can lead to various health issues in children. Such as increased risk of infections, digestive issues, allergies, asthma, anxiety, etc.
There is a neurological link as well. Emerging research suggests that antibiotics may also disrupt neurotransmitters and the communication between the gut and the brain. These neurotransmitters are essential, and this disruption can impact children’s mental health, cognitive development, and overall well-being.
Lastly, as previously mentioned, repeated exposure to antibiotics increases the risk of developing antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This not only limits treatment options but also perpetuates a cycle of antibiotic reliance, further compromising children’s long-term health. If antibiotics are continuously taken for smaller issues early in life, they won’t be as helpful later on for helping any serious, life-threatening issues.
As neurologically-focused chiropractors, our goal is to get to the root cause of your children’s challenges. The overuse of antibiotics for conditions like ear and respiratory infections fails to address the underlying cause. The real root problem lies in “poor plumbing” and impaired drainage, along with an imbalance in the neuro-immune system. These factors contribute significantly to recurrent infections and compromised health in children.
Pediatric chiropractors can help a child’s nervous system, and overall physiological function, improve to better hold off and clear out respiratory and immune challenges. We make this happen with increased “plumbing” and drainage of the ears, sinuses, lymphatic system, throat, lungs, and gut. And by lessening the sympathetic fight or flight response of the body, which leaves it in a pro-inflammatory and immune-suppressed state.
By improving the “plumbing” and wiring of the body, a child is often able to clear out congestion, inflammation, and infection faster and more efficiently. All without the use of dangerous and overused antibiotics and other medications.
For those parents that want to learn even more and better understand the science behind pediatric chiropractic, it is described here in this article on subluxation. Subluxation means stress stuck on the nervous system, and the neurological imbalance piece is called dysautonomia.
Another thing to keep in mind when digging into the root causes of children’s health challenges is that certain birth interventions and trauma. Forceps, vacuum extraction, and C-sections, have been linked to long-term health issues in children. Research has shown associations between C-section deliveries and respiratory and autoimmune conditions later in life. These interventions can disrupt the delicate balance of the microbiome, and cause physical tension that affects the function of the Vagus Nerve. Which affects the autonomic nervous system’s regulation of immune function and inflammation.
This is another reason why neurologically-focused chiropractic care is so important. We will consult with you and your child to dig into the child’s case history, look for root causes, and will do a deep dive into the function of your child’s nervous system. We do this by using incredible technology called INSiGHT scans that can detect subluxation within their stressed-out nervous system.
Empowering and educating parents about appropriate antibiotic use is crucial for safeguarding children’s health, and combating the rise of antibiotic resistance. By understanding the disruptive effects of antibiotics on the immune system, microbiome, and neurotransmitters, parents can make informed decisions, and seek alternative approaches to address the root causes of infections.
We are trained and ready to provide those drug-free, natural options you have been looking for!
We understand that there’s a lot to keep track of when it comes to taking care of our little ones. From the numerous items in the diaper bag to everything they need day to day, it can be extremely overwhelming. Then there is a whole other chart that isn’t in that diaper bag we need to be aware of as parents, and it’s called the Developmental Milestones Chart. These are things that your pediatrician or family doctor will check in with you on during your well-baby checks.
Often, motor development and developmental milestones are overlooked, dismissed, or missed altogether by pediatricians and standard doctors. So, in this blog, we are going to discuss gross motor development, referring to your baby’s larger muscles. Milestones tummy time, rolling over, sitting up, crawling, and walking. These are important movements that contribute to your child’s overall health and well-being.
As a parent, it can be challenging to navigate these issues without proper knowledge or expertise in neurodevelopment. That’s why we’re here to provide you with the answers and explanations you need. As pediatric chiropractors, neurodevelopment is our expertise.
If you’re concerned about your child’s motor milestones and aren’t receiving the answers you need from your pediatrician, this is for you. It’s also suitable for parents whose children have plateaued in physical therapy or other related therapies. Please share this information with other parents who may be experiencing similar struggles!
The missing link we’re about to discuss is not typically found in pediatrician’s offices. Or even evaluations by physical, occupational, or speech therapists. However, when neurologically-focused chiropractic is added in, it can yield excellent results.
PTs and pediatricians are simply not trained to look for this missing link, but it’s present in 80-90% of cases. If it is not found, it cannot be fixed. If it’s not identified and addressed, it can lead to weak core muscles and limbs, as well as low-tone challenges. We’ll also explore the cause of low tone and break that down in this blog.
So what is that missing link?
The key to understanding motor development lies in the nervous system. The developing muscles of your child’s body are under complete and total control of the nervous system.
The central nervous system is the absolute boss and controller of the muscular system.
When we look at motor delays or structural deformations, such as plagiocephaly and torticollis, we find that these gross motor and structural challenges have a neurological foundation. Stress can affect the central nervous system, causing it to be stressed out and wound up. The nervous system has two sides to it. The sympathetic fight or flight tension side and the parasympathetic calm and relaxation side. When the sympathetic nervous system is firing and overactive, the muscles become too tight and too wound up. This is what we find in many of our gross motor and neurodevelopmental cases.
You may be thinking, “That’s not my child’s problem. My child has low tone.” However, hypotonicity or low tone cannot exist in the core or limbs without first having excessive hyper-high tone in the neuro spinal and brain stem areas. The central nervous system comprises the brain, spinal cord, and motor and sensory nerves that control every tissue and cell of the body, especially the muscles. If the central nervous system is injured during birth trauma, from a fall or childhood physical trauma, it can cause misalignment, fixation, and tension, also known as subluxation.
Subluxation can take the central nervous system and wind up the fight-or-flight sympathetic nervous system. Especially in the neck, traps, and shoulders. If your child has low tone or coordination challenges, we need to assess their brainstem, neck, and spine to identify any subluxations that may be present. Pediatricians, PTs, and OTs are not trained to assess the nervous system in the same way that a trained, neurologically-focused pediatric chiropractor is.
It’s important to address gross motor delays, as gross motor development needs to occur in a complete, organized, and timely fashion to kick on fine motor and advanced neurodevelopment. Think of it like project management, where the gross motor system needs to develop first. The big muscles of the neck, spine, trunk, core, and limbs. And it’s not just the big muscles on the outside, but also the muscles on the inside that need to be functioning properly.
This neuro-gross motor system needs to be fully functional before the brain can focus on speech and socialization. As well as behavioral and emotional regulation. What we see all the time is that these gross motor delays are missed. Because it’s not a parent’s job to know how to spot them, and pediatricians are not trained to spot them.
As mentioned, birth trauma, such as a stressful pregnancy or an intervention during delivery, can lead to subluxation. Subluxation can cause tension and tightness in your child’s neck, traps, shoulders, and spine right from the start. This can result in weak core and limb muscles. In turn making it difficult for your child to develop their gross motor skills, which can then lead to developmental issues later on.
If your child exhibits signs such as being colicky, fussy, having torticollis or plagiocephaly, acid reflux, chronic ear infections, or difficulty sleeping, these may all be indications of subluxation in the central nervous system. Until this subluxation is found, fixed, and adjusted, your child may continue to experience challenges with gross motor development, which can hinder their overall development. Because everything not only has to ‘go on time’ as the charts say but more importantly, it’s supposed to go in the right order and sequence.
If you have tried everything, from tummy time to regular PT sessions, and are still struggling, or if you haven’t started yet, there is still hope and we’d love to help! Understanding this crucial piece of information can be the key to unlocking your child’s full potential.
If you suspect your child may be subluxated, please give us a call to schedule your exam and consultation. Our team can then conduct an INSiGHT scan. This scan measures neuromotor function and can determine if your child is subluxated and the severity of that subluxation. From there, you can get a customized care plan! This will help your child get back on track with their gross motor development and overall health.
Motor development and overall developmental milestones are crucial for the health and function of the brain later in life. If subluxation is the hidden challenge hindering your child’s development, it’s crucial to take action and address it sooner than later. We want to help you take the necessary steps to ensure your child reaches their full potential!
Today we want to discuss a topic with you that may be unfamiliar but can make a significant difference in your child’s health – we call it subluxation. As parents, understanding what subluxation is and how it impacts our children’s health is absolutely crucial. Once you understand what subluxation is, you will be all in trying to find a way to get rid of it.
Subluxation is stress on the nervous system, which can lead to a range of issues. Including gut problems, sensory issues, emotional and behavioral challenges, and immune system issues. However, on the other side of subluxation is a healthy nervous system that regulates the gut, immune system, and motor system and gets everything in sync with your child’s brain or hard drive.
Subluxation is not something that you’ll typically hear about from a standard pediatrician or medical office. Unfortunately, the medical definition of subluxation is outdated and simplified, leading to a lack of understanding of its neurological component. This is where neurologically focused pediatric chiropractic comes in – this is our specialty.
As parents, you need to know the science and story behind subluxation. So let’s break it down visually. Subluxation is a significant issue that can be tackled by a trained neurologically focused pediatric chiropractor. By figuring out whether subluxation is the root cause of your child’s health problems, you can take steps to eliminate it and get your child’s health back on track.
The Three Parts of Subluxation
Subluxation is a three-part problem. The first part is a misalignment in the neuromotor system, which includes the musculoskeletal and neuro spinal systems. The spine, in particular, is the most influential motor system we have.
Misalignment in the spine leads to fixation, which is better described as tension or altered tone. If you’ve taken your child to a pediatric therapist, you’ve probably heard about proprioception, tone, coordination, and other motor-based challenges. These are the first parts of subluxation, affecting much more than just the musculoskeletal system.
The third element of subluxation is where the real challenge comes in because it causes neurological imbalance within the brain and nervous system. This leads to interference and imbalance in the central or autonomic nervous system, called Dysautonomia. When subluxation shifts the nervous system into sympathetic “fight or flight” dominance, it can negatively impact the thriving, growing, digesting, sleeping, resting, and immune function of your child. We need that gas pedal side of the nervous system for survival, but it is not where we thrive. It doesn’t help us grow, digest, sleep, or rest.
So when the spine and the neuro spinal structural system are under too much stress, this results in a stressed-out nervous system. This system is our access point to the central autonomic nervous system, which is how God designed us.
The central nervous system, or autonomic nervous system, is protected by the skull and spine. It includes the brainstem and the vagus nerve. Subluxation alters the function of the nervous system, and it is our job as chiropractors to make safe, gentle, natural drug-free adjustments to clear out the subluxation and reduce stress.
Subluxation impacts three main systems in your child’s body: the gut, immune, and motor systems. When subluxation is present, it shuts down gut motility and gut function, which can result in reflux, colic, and constipation. It also impacts the immune system, making your child more susceptible to ear infections, respiratory challenges, and autoimmune disorders.
Finally, subluxation affects the motor system and developmental milestones, which can impact your child’s ability to reach important milestones. If your child is having tantrums, sensory or behavioral challenges, and is not sleeping or developing appropriately, this could be a sign of too much stress stuck on the nervous system.
If you want to address subluxation and improve your child’s health, please give us a call at 507-424-0655. Our office will use INSiGHT scans to measure and find the stress on your child’s nervous system. We can measure and find exactly where that stress is located, how much there is, and how bad it is. This allows for the creation of a custom care plan that addresses the subluxation and reduces stress.
Getting rid of subluxation can lead to incredible natural, neurological healing, which improves the gut, immune, and motor systems. Your child will sleep better, regulate their emotions better, and overall function at a higher level.
Please share this and send it to a friend desperately trying to get their kid healthy. Subluxation may just be the answer they are searching for.